Student Life
All students need to be fully committed to their training and be prepared to embrace the intensity of this program.

Of course, delivering babies during scheduled rotations at the clinic makes the long hours of studying definitely worthwhile!
The academic course requirements combined with the clinical and birth rotations often involve long hours and minimal or interrupted sleep.
The curriculum can be rigorous as the combination of study combined with clinical and birth rotations require flexibility and long hours.
In addition, the intensity of patient care and the multitude of emotional experiences the student will encounter require that she find support in her leaders, fellow students, friends and ultimately in her relationship with God.
Student Group

The majority of Student Life revolves around community-living in the student dormitories which plays a significant and integral role in the student's well-being while enrolled at Newlife.
All students and other full time staff from the clinic meet frequently in order to encourage one another. Topics of discussion vary based on the need.
Sometimes discussion will consist of chart review and patient related issues. Other times it is centered on personal well-being. Students are given the opportunity to share their struggles, frustrations or challenges with the rest of the group.
As a 'family' we aim to encourage and pray for each other. The work here is very demanding and requires much effort; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Student group is a good time to share any concerns or encouraging reports with others so that we can rejoice and pray together.
Student Spiritual Life

We are very sensitive to the spiritual needs of our students. Newlife School provides a student Care Group for worship and Biblical edification at least twice every month.
Newlife School is a college-level academic and clinical training school for midwife students. Unlike YWAM, for example, Newlife School is not a Discipleship Training School (DTS) or a Bible school. We earnestly seek out applicants who are spiritually mature in their relationship with Christ and daily cultivate a healthy relationship with Him in prayer and Bible reading. If an interested applicant is just out of high school and feels that a DTS type of program would better suit her immediate needs, we recommend she pursues that first then she can apply to Newlife School after her DTS graduation.
There are more than 900 churches located in the city. Individually, these churches can adequately minister to each student. We strongly encourage our students to get plugged into a local church. Although active participation with all church outings and Bible studies may not be entirely feasible due to the school workload and responsibilities, students can at least attend Sunday services.