General Information
Each student needs to have access to funds for personal expenses.
Most students use ATM machines to withdraw funds that are given in the local Philippine currency and drawn off the student's home bank in the States. ATM machines are abundant and found all around the city.
Also, debit and credit cards are widely accepted at most retail stores such as restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, etc. ATM fees generally cost about $4 per withdraw, which may not include the international fee charged by the student’s home bank.
We advise that students do not bring travelers checks since they are difficult to cash and the exchange rates are quite low.
Students should advise their home bank regarding their travel plans in order to avoid having the banking cards shut down. Finally, we advise married students to open a bank account upon arrival. Unlike our single students who are housed in a dorm, families will need access to more funds for paying rent, utilities, groceries, etc. We can provide additional info separately for married applicants.

Students are required to bring a personal notebook computer with them to the school.
There are plenty of computer service centers to service any problems or purchase hardware or necessary components.

We REQUIRE that each accepted student must be up to date on ALL childhood immunizations. All enrolled students should be completely immunized against polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, Hep A and Hep B. Malaria is not a problem in our location, so pills are not necessary.

All flight arrangements are made by the school director and will be forwarded after acceptance. Newly enrolled students may travel to the Philippines as a group if they are able to coordinate travel plans together. Ticket prices, itineraries and additional details will be forwarded at the appropriate time.

Health Insurance
(Important Update)
We require all newly enrolled students to carry health insurance or participate in a shared healthcare ministry program.
Newlife School officially endorses a Christian shared-healthcare ministry that provides up to $250,000 in coverage that includes overseas living. The cost varies based on coverage that ranges between $100 - 150/month for single students 25 years and below. Please visit www.samaritanministries.org for more information and updated fees.
There are many insurance companies that provide coverage for missionaries and other expats living and working overseas. We recommend Azimuth Insurance as one of those options due to the service they provided for one of our students who was hospitalized and spent many days in the ICU. Azimuth covered her entire $15,000 hospital bill.
Please visit www.azimuthrisk.com for more information.

Fetal Heart Doppler:
We require all new students to bring a personal fetal heart doppler. Please inquire from the school director regarding a recommended brand and model.
We regularly receive visitors at our clinic, and each student is certainly welcome to invite friends and family members from their home for a visit. Female visitors may be allowed to stay at one of the student dormitories if space is available. Please be advised they will be charged for room and board which is a minimal fee - $10/day. There are several very nice hotels available as well as guest houses or apartelles that are reasonably priced. It is understood that guests of the students will abide by our Honor Code and School Policies and that students assume full responsibility for their visitors. It is also important that visitors do not infringe on the student's responsibilities related to her clinical schedule.
Each student enrolled will be given a one-month leave for vacation after the first year of school is completed. Year-end breaks will be scheduled by the school director. Please check with the director prior to booking your return ticket from the Philippines to the States for your vacation plans.
A curfew is imposed on the students to be back in their dormitories by a set time each evening. Generally, the time is 10 pm. It is done solely for the student's own protection since it's not advisable for a young foreign woman to be out late at night in a third world country.
A passport is obviously required for international travel. Passports must be current with a minimum of six months remaining until the date of expiration at the time of travel to the Philippines. If your passport is scheduled to expire while you are in the Philippines it can easily be renewed at the U.S. Embassy or the embassy of each student's respective country if their embassy/consulate is located in Manila.
Please make sure to photocopy the inside identification cover of the passport and keep it in a separate place in case of loss. This way, it is easy to replace it at the Embassy. It is also a good idea to photocopy your plane tickets in case of loss.
Newlife School will provide all relevant Visa guidelines to applicants after they have been formally accepted for enrollment. Each student should budget approximately $500 for Immigration fees. Cumulative costs for a family will obviously be higher. Please contact us for more information.
Legal Notification: Newlife School requires each student to sign a Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, Indemnity and Release upon arrival. This document serves to protect the interests of Newlife School and fully releases the school from any liability or claim that may arise while a student is enrolled.